The creator appears to know nothing of child development.
1) Adult ads for singles
2) Halloween section was ghoulish and some images were much to scary for the "1-4 year olds" the description claims to target.
3) exotic dancer listed as a profession in a baby app, really?!
4) Tool section had a disturbing bent toward the sharp and dangerous (ax, saw, razor blade, plane, etc). It is wiser NOT to make children feel familiar with these until they are old enough to understand the concept "dangerous-dont touch". There are so many Not dangerous tools they could show instead, but chose to skip ?
5) (minor compared to above) frequently poor image selection (blurry, vague, important parts falling outside of visual area, extreme--like a 12 inch syringe needle--thatll help them over their fear of the doctor, especially since shots are included twice under different names...). Odd gaps (why would you include laryngoscope but not stethoscope, the number one tool they see the doctor with and not scary at all?
Not a good app, even free.
Irishpan about Genius Baby Flash Cards