A large number of practical words tots could come across although some of the vocabulary could be too advanced for tots like an otoscope in the medical, but hey doesnt hurt for them to be able to label it when they see one at the doctors office.
A large number of practical words tots could come across although some of the vocabulary could be too advanced for tots like an otoscope in the medical, but hey doesnt hurt for them to be able to label it when they see one at the doctors office.
Cleverly hidden within the halloween section, there are graphic and scary images of evil that children should not be viewing! Unfortunately this has caused nightmares in my child so I deleted this app.
Child does not ever play this app. I also went through it. Park and playground are mixed up. Also some the pictures have also scared my 2 year old
Simple and easy to use
You have clowns and magicians listed as a profession. But not a mechanic
Many categories with lots of terms suited for 1st to 6th grades. I only wish a similar app be rendered for K1 as well.
Resolution is awful. Cannon switch to low res on iPad. Cannot swipe pictures back and forth.
This program is nice for Learn English
My 3 yr old loves this app. She plays with it all day
Great for english learners and young kids...
Very, very good quality for a free app. Love it.
My 2 year now says "stethoscope", "otoscope", "laryngoscope"!!! She can identify all these and more with the memory game. Incredible app!!
Make more apps like this!
My 2 1/2-year-old cant even scroll through the pictures anymore because the ad is directly below the scrolling buttons. He constantly is accidentally hitting the stupid ad. Put the ad up top or something.
My 2 year old loves this app! The updates are great! The ad placement is a little annoying but my son figured out how to just swipe the picture to move in to the next. This app has significantly increased his vocabulary, and very quickly! He cant get enough of it. We joke that we need to buy him an I-touch so I can have my phone back! :).
This is a nice app to increase vocabulary skills for children with special needs. I like the ability to select the correct answer from a group of pictures or have them presented individually. The memory game also provides more reinforcement of learning the vocabulary. It would be nice to have a tally of total correct answers and also to be able to repeat the word. I will be using this one in speech therapy!
I like this app because it has a variety of images
I like this app. This very great app. U can teach your own kids in this app and he or she can learn very well.
What baby needs to see a flash card for a arteries? Really?
The bladder pic surprised me lol. I wasnt expecting these cards for my baby girl.. I think it would be great for older kids not my infant